Critical Thinking at a Critical Time : MAS Texas Talk
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MAS Texas Blog

Critical Thinking at a Critical Time

by Tony D on 10/28/13

Dual Credit programs are huge in Houston, Texas, as they are in many cities across the nation. However, Texas is poised to turn the Dual Credit System into a Graduation Factory for Mexican American youth.

To make this happen, the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) will have to implement Critical Thinking at a Critical Time.

Texas State Board of Education MUST include Introduction to Mexican American History and Introduction to Mexican American Literature for endorsement as Advanced Courses and Dual Credit Course in 9th grade thru 12th grade. There will be hearings on this in November, and then a vote a few weeks after.

This is a major issue because Dual Credit is big business in Texas. On any given day, on any given community college, there are hundreds of high school students satisfying Senior and even junior year high school requirements by taking college courses at Community Colleges.

Most of these students are Latino. However, right now, Mexican American Studies courses are not on the menu of what they can study.

MAS courses would provide our young with the Critical Thinking skills they need to thrive on the college campus, and they will also be inspired to strive to graduate.

I'm going to say something very radical here for professors.

Introduction to Mexican American Literature should replace English Composition II in high school dual credit programs.

Right now in Texas there are huge pipelines from high schools to community colleges. The problems is that the pipelines are not complete and do not deliver our young to transfer to 4 year Universities and bachelor's degrees.

I have taught English at the high school-level. I have taught Composition I, Composition II, and Introduction to Mexican American Literature for students in Dual Credit programs.

So here are a few facts most people don't talk about:

The student learning outcomes for Comp II and Intro to Mexican American Literature are similar. (You can compare them here: Comp II student outcomes. Introduction to Mexican American Literature student learning outcomes.)

Educational institutions must remember that we are talking about very young students who are still in still in high school.

High schools generally utilize "The Banking Method" where patterns are presented to students, who then memorize them, and then students are tested on mastery of the patterns. MAS Courses foster Critical Thinking by showing the limitations of patterns, the evolution of new patterns, the identification of new ways to devise patterns. MA’s courses provide a culturally relevant context that helps Mexican American and Latino Students more fully grasp these intellectual skills. Those traits are vital for succeeding in college. Furthermore, our young are also excited and inspired by these courses, which is another reason that all the research shows that graduation rates increase when students take MAS courses.

MAS prepares Latino youth for success in college more than Comp II does.

It really is very basic. We must demand Critical Thinking at a Critical Time for our youth.

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