MAS Texas
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"Welcome to the Texas Mexican Renaissance"
The Interstate 45 Chicano Renaissance is changing the intellectual world.
Stay tuned . . . 
"You're not an Arizona Republican, are you?"
While Arizona bans our culture, Texas embraces it.
"Every week is banned book week for us."
"TUSD officials complied with a Department of Justice order to provide culturally relevant courses by creating a list of 25 books for African American, Mexican American, and American History Courses without including even one Mexican American author, despite the fact that the majority of the students in the system are Chicano."
100,000 watts of Librotraficante Justice 
Tuesdays 6p - 7p 
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News and Reviews for MAS Texas             

The Los Angeles Times: Conservative Texas students planned 'Catch an Illegal Immigrant' game-   “If the UT Young Conservative had taken Mexican American courses, they might be thanking immigrants instead of organizing this game.” 
NPR Houston: Where Do Mexican American Classes Fit In With Texas' New High School Graduation Plan?-  “So when they see their history, when they see their story, the rhetoric and critical thinking sinks in.”
Latino Rebels: Latino Activists Plan Counter Game Against UT Young Conservatives: “You’re All Immigrants." It will be a full day of defying oppression for the Librotraficantes who were headed to Austin Wednesday morning to protest HB5.
Sorry we can't keep up with all of it. We will try to get to list other coverage as we make more news. Thanks for all those folks sending us links and rt and reposts: 

Other stories in:
CNN Español 
Univision Houston
KVON California
The News Taco

More to come . . . and more . .. and more . .. 

Ahorasi:  Opinión: Tony Díaz: Déjense de juegos y den a Texas M.A.S. educación-   "De los 4.9 millones de estudiantes de Texas, 51% son hispanos y más de 300,000 de ellos abandonarán sus estudios. "
Austin Statesman: Diaz: Mexican-American studies would broaden perspectives  “When it comes to our self-identity, we Latinos are on quantum physics, while the rest of society is on basic math.”
Over 200 media stories! We can't keep up. Thank you for all the support. This movement is booming!
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Huffington Post: One Vote Could Change the Course of Mexican American Studies. “What it really comes down to is, will the GOP walk with us or will they stand in our way?
BuzzFeed: Los Librotraficantes Fight To Smuggle Books Into Schools "When I meet a Tejano Republican, I have to make sure he doesn’t think like an Arizona Republican."